Re: A proposed solution

On Sat, 10 Jun 2000, James Clark wrote:
> If multiple levels of hierarchy count as the same context, then this
> proposal does not solve the problem.


> 1. A1 is character for character identical to A2, and
> 2. either
>    (a) A1 and A2 are absolute, or
>    (b) both
>       (i)  A1 and A2 are relative, and
>       (ii) C1 and C2 are character for character identical


> A. cases where namespace names are identical but the corresponding
> resources are not
> B. cases where namespace names are not identical but the corresponding
> resources are
> Now type B cases are relatively harmless and an unavoidable fact of
> life, but type A cases are (to some of us anyway) unacceptable.  The
> Microsoft proposal appears to be getting rid of type A mismatches by
> accepting additional type B mismatches.

Consider the following directory...


  Let test.xml := "<x:x xmlns:x="test"/>
  Let test.xsl contain "xmlns:x="test"  and  "<template match='x:x'>"

  Run, from the /home directory,
    "xt xml/test.xml xsl/test.xsl"

In the "literal" interpretation, this would match just perfectly.

However, in the above proposal, this is one of those "additional
type B mismatches" ?

Just checking,


Received on Saturday, 10 June 2000 13:15:05 UTC