Re: Uncertainty on xml-dev

>This is true, but no longer the whole story, I suggest.  In a previous
>message I wrote:
>>I think that TimBL and DanC believe that a common (if not the only)
>>mechanism for finding metadata about a namespace will be to dereference
>>the namespace URI. (If I'm misrepresenting them, I'm sorry, and I hope
>>they'll clarify their position).
>Neither of them posted to disagree with this, so I still assume that this
>is their position.

They'd have to answer this... but even if that turns out to be true (and
it's been pointed out that there are many other ways to get from a
namespace to its metadata, most of them more versitile than simply
dereferencing the name) that's a question of how namespaces may be used in
the future, _not_ of the behavior of the namespace itself.

I don't think it's necessary or appropriate to advise folks on
dereferencability at this time. And I think the guideline you're proposing
is, in fact, met by the (unstated?) assumption that people are generally
going to use URIs within spaces that they "own", since that's the only way
they can reliably achieve uniqueness anyway.

Joe Kesselman  / IBM Research

Received on Thursday, 8 June 2000 14:05:34 UTC