RE: Mechanism, not policy [was: Attribute uniqueness...]

At 12:15 PM 6/8/00 -0400, wrote:
>>I just finished work on a book on XML for Wrox.  It should be hitting the
>>shelves any second now.  I'll be just sick to death if I have to go to the
>>errata page and say "By the way, ignore the chapter on XML Namespaces.
>>W3C changed their minds..."
>I hate to say it but that's an occupational hazard of publishing a hardcopy
>book on something that's evolving as quickly as XML. Errata are going to
>appear in the specs, and will have to be reflected into documents and code
>based on those specs.
>That's a large part of why I haven't yet attempted to write an XML book
>myself, despite invitations from a few publishers. I don't want to be in
>the position of publishing something only to see it become outdated before
>it hits the stands.

It's definitely an occupational hazard, but what I see going on here is a
substantial philosophical change to understood practice, not just
obsolescence of a spec.

Oh well, next edition...

Simon St.Laurent
XML Elements of Style / XML: A Primer, 2nd Ed.
Building XML Applications
Inside XML DTDs: Scientific and Technical
Cookies / Sharing Bandwidth

Received on Thursday, 8 June 2000 12:22:16 UTC