Re: Banning relative - No real damage?

The stylesheet there is a real stylesheet and it has a relative URI
reference used as a namespace name. It is actually used (run on the
W3C machine coda) as part of the production of the mathml spec.

This stylesheet would be mildly inconvenienced by a change to the
forbid option. I'd just need to change the single occurrence of
/dev/null to anything that was still legal, it is of no consequence at
all what namespace name is actually used there, it is only ever
declared in one place and never compared with any other declaration.
/dev/null seemed to be a good name for such a namespace, but
file:///dev/null or mailto:nobody will do as well, I suppose.

I mention it in case you thought I was joking when I said I used

There are some other examples. I just searched xsl-list for /dev/null
which showed up one or two, I just picked this one as this is actually
used for production runs of a w3c draft recommendation, and isn't just
a toy example in a mailing list answer.


Received on Tuesday, 6 June 2000 18:16:09 UTC