Re: Request for status dump and issues check

> IMHO the cycles you spend on this are completely dwarfed by the cycles
> you spend on general-purpose XML parsing anyway.

The main overhead is probably not on removing the spare ../ but in
trying to make sure that the information about the base URI magically
stays with the document.

If your model is "download XML file" pass it to your typesetter as a
local file. Then with the absolute interpretation that first stage
just destroyed all the namespaces in the document (at least those
using relative URI).

So given an absolute interpretation after downloading the file you
probably have to edit it and any matching stylesheets to try to
make the namespaces match up again in the new context.

David (and yes that is mainly what I do with XML files:-)

Received on Monday, 5 June 2000 18:36:28 UTC