Re: The 'resource' identified by a namespace name URI should be the namespace

At 00:48 03/06/00 -0400, Tim Berners-Lee wrote:
>We are losing track of reality. A mailto: URI necessarily identifies
>an internet mailbox.  A mailbox is a mailbox. A namespace is a namesapce.
>A mailbox can be a group-mailbox. A mailbox can be a personal-mailbox.
>A mailbox can NOT be a namespace.

Gulp. Are you saying that

    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <jingle xmlns="" />

is not a well-formed XML-with-namespaces document?
Or that, although well-formed, it's unprocessable?

My software does things like

    if (
       strcmp (nsUri, "") == 0 &&
       strcmp (elem, "jingle") == 0
    ) printf ("Jingle bells, jingle bells");

Are you saying that this is a broken processing model, and that I need to 
look at the resource which the NSURI defines before I can associate any 
processing with the element <jingle>?

Received on Monday, 5 June 2000 09:04:57 UTC