XML Namespaces draft editorial errors

Regarding the XML Namespaces draft
(at least the one at

* In Section 5. the "Namespace constraint: No Prefix Undeclaring"
   paragraph says:

     In a namespace declaration for a prefix (i.e where the NSAttName
     is a PrefixedAttName), the attribute value MUST NOT be empty.

   That should be "... prefix (i.e., where..."

   (Just above that, in the "Namespace constraint: Prefix Declared"
   paragraph, the "i.e." is also missing the usual following comma.)

* Section E says "inter-connect."  That probably can be simply

* In section F, the last paragraph seems to be missing some words:


     Production takes advantage of the fact that ...

   It sounds like that was meant to refer to some particular production
   (e.g., "This production takes ..." or "These productions take ...").

(Plain text sometimes corrupted to HTML "courtesy" of Microsoft Exchange.) [F]

Received on Monday, 10 August 2009 16:11:17 UTC