Re: I got a error in "Decryption Transform for XML Signature"

On Tue, Mar 29, 2005 at 12:20:24PM -0500, Joseph Reagle wrote:
> On Tuesday 29 March 2005 11:24, Jose Kahan wrote:
> > I'll soon (one or two weeks) start collecting errata for both XML-SIG
> > and XML-ENC. I'll add Takeshi's one to the list. I sent an "errata time"
> > announcement to the XML-SIG list but it didn't came thru.
> Hi Jose, thank you for the response but I'm not sure I understand. There are 
> already errata docs for all of these specs. Are you saying that there is a 
> list of errata that have not yet been reflected in the documents? (I 
> thought we were getting them reflected pretty quickly, but I haven't been 
> paying that close attention.)

The problem is to know when something is an errata if it's not marked as
such. The ones I have in mind concern the SHA-1 changes[1] and maybe some
PGP extensions, as an XKMS developer pointed out that there is ambiguous
language in the XML-SIG spec[2].

> > Hmm, I've not yet tried to add new ones.  Could I get some peer review
> > when in doubt from people on the appropriate mailing lists? Is there
> > some appropriate workflow to follow? The process document isn't
> > clear except that the team owns the specs after the WG expires :)
> Yes, typically, the process was informal, if someone raised an issue and the 
> authors or editors noted it as such, I added it to:
> in this particular case, this'll be the first errata for this document. 
> Takeshi affirmed it as such, that prompted me to confirm it was an 
> editorial mistake and bug you. <smile/>

I've added Takeshi's errata.


Received on Wednesday, 30 March 2005 14:05:33 UTC