Minor Error in XML Enc Draft

Hello All,

I've noticed that in http://www.w3.org/Encryption/2001/Drafts/xmlenc-core/,
Section 2 the example "template" of an 
<EncryptedData> element no longer matches the schema definition. That is,
Section 2 shows:

<EncryptedData Id? Type?>
      <CipherReference URI?>?

When it should include the "Encoding" and "MimeType" attributes per the new
handling of media types. 

(e.g. <EncryptedData Id? Type? MimeType? Encoding?>

If I've missed something, please let me know.

Blake Dournaee
Toolkit Applications Engineer
RSA Security
"The only thing I know is that I know nothing" - Socrates

Received on Tuesday, 12 March 2002 16:18:34 UTC