Re: Why is Except limited to local fragments?

Ok, now:

3.  If there is a single e that is the root element of X , that is not 
referenced by any dcrpt:Except elements in R, and its Type attribute is 
absent or otherwise indicates octets: 

1. Let Y' be decryptOctets(X, e).
2. Return Y

On Thursday 07 March 2002 13:09, merlin wrote:
> This is the example I'm considering; assume <foo> above is the
> input and there is no Except. We state:
>    1.   Within X, select e, an element node with the type
>    enc:EncryptedData, ...
> We don't place an ordering on selecting e, so a decryptor may
> choose either the msword or png data first.
>    3.  If the value of the Type attribute is absent or otherwise
> indicates octets:
>       1. Let Y' be decryptOctets(X, e).
>       2. Return Y'.
> This returns the first non-XML encrypted data encountered,
> which is what I meant by ambiguous operation.
> I think, as you suggest, we should require that the input less
> those excepted must have only one encrypted data of non-XML type.

Received on Thursday, 7 March 2002 16:45:42 UTC