Re: Decryption Transform processing question


>2) Encryptor-specified superdecryption
>   c) The encryptor super-encrypts unexceptional EncryptedData,
>      mindful of the potential problems. It indicates this by
>      using the SuperEncryptedData Type, and utilizing
>      mechanisms to overcome the problems if necessary.

As I pointed out before, this is not possible when a signature is not
given.  Also, when encrypting exceptional and unexceptional EncryptedData
elements together, how should we do so?

However, I agree with you that, if a signature is given, an encryptor can
decide which EncryptedData element should be decrypted.  So how about the
following, which is opposite to 2):

3) Encryptor-specified super-undecryption

Decrypt all the EncryptedData elements recursively except for those
specified by the super-encrypting EncryptedData element.  Those could be
specified by decrypt:Except elements specified as encryption properties.
The mechanisms you proposed could be used in order to the problems.

This provides the same function as 2), but it would suit the concept of
decryption transform much better.  This means that we don't have to
reimplement the transform from scratch.  How do you feel?

Tokyo Research Laboratory
IBM Research

Received on Monday, 10 June 2002 12:05:49 UTC