Re: xenc schema question


I have permission to go ahead and publish a CR but I'd like to fix this 
editorial bit first. ds:DigestMethod can't appear in the schema because it 
causes an ambigous content model problem. Also, the only place we are using 
it and OEAPparams is in the RSA method. So I'd like to make it a sequence 
of an optional KeySize and any, and define those other elements in that 
section. Also, I'd like to promote the EncryptionMethod up to its own 
section -- presently it's hidden at the bottom of the algorithm section.

Does this sound ok?

On Wednesday 12 December 2001 12:53, Joseph Reagle wrote:
> Yep, some crumbs fallen between the cracks between Don and I since this
> is in section 5.
> 3. In the schema I commented out the ds:DigestMethod because it leads to
> an ambigous content model. (The validator finds a ds:DigestMethod and
> doesn't know whether to match it agains the any or the ds:DigestMethod.)
> This is awkward, but it's the result of using any. Don, what would you
> like to do with it?
> <complexType name='EncryptionMethodType' mixed='true'>
>     <sequence>
>       <element name='KeySize' minOccurs='0' type='xenc:KeySizeType'/>
>       <!-- <element ref='ds:DigestMethod' minOccurs='0'/> -->
>       <element name='OAEPparams' minOccurs='0' type='base64Binary'/>
>       <any namespace='##other' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
>     </sequence>
>     <attribute name='Algorithm' type='anyURI' use='required'/>
>   </complexType>


Joseph Reagle Jr.       
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair
W3C XML Encryption Chair

Received on Monday, 25 February 2002 14:54:59 UTC