Re: FW: Re: rsa/oaep

I think now it's more confusing: the only RSA-OAEP algorithm defined
by the spec is rsa-oaep-mgf1p and for this algorithm SHA1 is the only
message digest allowed. It's absolutelly not clear why the <DigestMethod />
element is there and how it should be processed.
If it was decided that the only allowed digest is SHA1 then I would 
suggest to
remove <DigestMethod/> element from the description and make a note that
more RSA-OAEP algorithms could be defined in the future (and algorithm
specific sub-nodes may present in the <EncryptionMethod/> node).


Joseph Reagle wrote:

>On Wednesday 17 April 2002 01:41, jiandong guo wrote:
>>I believe that what we agreed before is to fix SHA-1 for using with MGF.
>Ok. I've removed the default SHA-1 as the DigestMethod and made slight 
>tweaks to confirm that SHA-1 is always by MGF1.
> $Revision: 1.184 $ on $Date: 2002/04/17 13:17:07 $ GMT 

Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2002 17:07:49 UTC