Re: Typos in schema definition

>We have a couple of options:
>1. (Make content ##any and rely upon comments or the text in the spec to
>state that KeySize is always permitted.)
>2. Better specify this element... is this what you want in principle?
> xenc:KeySize? ( (ds:DigestMethod xenc:OAEPparams) | ##other))
>I haven't tested this or included it in the spec yet.
> <complexType name='EncryptionMethodType' mixed='true'>
>   <sequence>
>     <element name='KeySize' minOccurs='0' type='xenc:KeySizeType'/>
>     <choice>
>       <sequence>
>         <element ref='ds:DigestMethod' minOccurs='0'/> -->
>         <element name='OAEPparams' minOccurs='0' type='base64Binary'/>
>       </sequence>
>       <any namespace='##other' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
>     </choice>
>   </sequence>
>   <attribute name='Algorithm' type='anyURI' use='required'/>

This still seems ambiguous because a ds:DigestMethod element can match both
<element ref="ds:DigestMethod"> and <any namespace="##other">.  So it would
be easier to define this as you say or as follows:

<complexType name='EncryptionMethodType' mixed='true'>
    <element name='KeySize' minOccurs='0' type='xenc:KeySizeType'/>
    <element name='OAEPparams' minOccurs='0' type='base64Binary'/>
    <any namespace='##other' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>
  <attribute name='Algorithm' type='anyURI' use='required'/>

>I'm not sure if I'm still confused. I've just changed the spec to the
>following: let me know the specific change you'd like to see if it is not
><element name='ReferenceList'>
>  <complexType>
>    <choice minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='unbounded'>
>      <element name='DataReference' type='xenc:ReferenceType'/>
>      <element name='KeyReference' type='xenc:ReferenceType'/>
>    </choice>
>  </complexType>

This looks good.

Tokyo Research Laboratory
IBM Research

Received on Monday, 1 April 2002 05:28:34 UTC