RE: Comments on the requirements draft

At 11:35 3/22/2001 -0500, Ed Simon wrote:
>Given that the discussion of attribute encryption has been intense but
>inconclusive, why don't we drop trying to express the rationale one way
>or the other in the requirements document and just keep the solicitation
>for feedback.

I think this is a good idea Ed. The thing that I'm most concerned is that 
for the two more complex features of (a) attribute encryption and (b) 
signature+encryption, when we punt on these as out of scope or an 
application issue, we give an indication as to whether an application has a 
sound option.

For signature+encryption, we say it's out of scope, but here's two well 
specified application options (always encrypt signature, or the 
decrypt-exception transform.)

For attribute encryption, we say it's out of scope and we do not yet have 
any well specified option/recommendation.

So, I second your proposal with the following amendment to the comment:
>The Working Group (WG) solicits comment on this requirement from the 
>broader community. After much discussion about the requirements, 
>complexities, and alternatives of attribute encryption {List: Hallam-Baker, 
>Simon, Reagle} the WG has decided to  proceed under the requirement of 
>element encryption while remaining open to further comment, experimentation 
>and specification of attribute encryption proposals or alternatives that 
>satisfy the requirement to encrypt sensitive attribute values.

Joseph Reagle Jr.       
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair
W3C XML Encryption Chair

Received on Thursday, 22 March 2001 16:33:47 UTC