Re: HW Support and XML Encryption Requirements

At 14:45 2/16/2001 -0800, Paul Lambert wrote:
>4.0 The encryption and XML processing should be
>    - support the use of hardware implementation of the encryption 
> processing

I've added that under the security section.

>Hardware considerations introduce design consideration that impact the 
>sytax.  For example, the current draft proposal places cryptographic 
>initialization information early in the header:
>   <xenc:EncryptionMethod xenc:Algorithm="urn:nist-gov:tripledes-ede-cbc">
>     <s0:IV xmlns:s0='<http://somens>http://somens'>ABCD</s0:IV>
>     .... etc ....
>It is "best" to have hardware directly support the creation of the 
>initialization information required for encryption transforms 
>(IV).  Ideally, the IV should be directly in front of the cipher text to 
>support the tight integration of the generation of the IV with the 
>cryptographic process.

This is a good point, but how would one meet this requirement? I expect that 
in addition to providing the IV in the encryption syntax itself it would be 
fed as a parameter to the encryption algorithm?

Joseph Reagle Jr.       
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair
W3C XML Encryption Chair

Received on Wednesday, 21 February 2001 14:25:16 UTC