RE: XmlEncryptor - An XML Encryption Demonstrator

Thanks Takeshi.

Everyone, the new zip with the updated Java file is attached.

Regarding the difference between the code and the strawman proposal,
I'm still playing with ideas on handling encryption of specific sub-nodes
to see which works best.

Regards, Ed
-----Original Message-----
From: Takeshi Imamura []
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 2:23 AM
To: Ed Simon
Subject: Re: XmlEncryptor - An XML Encryption Demonstrator

Hi Ed,

I just tried your sample code and found two trivial bugs.

Line 47:
  String xmlFile
= "file:///MyWork/xmlencryption/xslt/XmlEncryptionTest.xml";
should be:
  String xmlFile = "XmlEncryptionTest.xml";

Line 387:
  String xmlFile
= "file:///MyWork/xmlencryption/xslt/XmlEncryptionTestEncryptedNodes.xml";
should be:
  String xmlFile = "XmlEncryptionTestEncryptedNodes.xml";

After fixing these bugs, I confirmed that the code worked well.

In comparison with your first proposal, the way to handle attribute values
seems to be a little changed.  Did you have any thoughts on this?

Tokyo Research Laboratory
IBM Research

---------------------- Forwarded by Takeshi Imamura/Japan/IBM on 2000/10/30
03:36 PM ---------------------------

From: Ed Simon <> on 2000/10/30 07:54 AM

Please respond to Ed Simon <>

Sent by:

To:   "''" <>
Subject:  XmlEncryptor - An XML Encryption Demonstrator

Please find attached a zip file containing code illustrating how encryption
of various types
of XML nodes would work in a DOM environment.  The node types that
encrypted are
whole elements, an element's content, and attribute values.  The code could
be extended
to other types of nodes if warranted.

Unzip the zip file to an empty folder, then read the XmlEncryptor.html file
for the details
of how to compile and run the sample.

Joseph, would you unzip this to a W3C folder and put a link to
XmlEncryptor.html in the
Resources section of "".


(See attached file:

Received on Monday, 30 October 2000 09:19:53 UTC