Re: Errata for XML 1.0, 4th ed. and XML 1.1, 2nd ed.

Dieter Köhler a écrit :
> Section 4.1, WFC: Entity Declared, last paragraph:
> "... non-validating processors are not obligated to to read ..."
> should be changed to
> "... non-validating processors are not obligated to read ..."

Good catch, thanks.  This will be flagged as an erratum and corrected in 
an eventual new edition.

> In section 5.2, last paragraph:
> "Applications which require DTD facilities not related to validation 
> (such as the declaration of default attributes and internal entities 
> that are or may be specified in external entities ) SHOULD use 
> validating XML processors."
> the first "not" seems to be wrong and the sentence contains a 
> superfluous space before the closing bracket. It should be changed to:
> "Applications which require DTD facilities related to validation (such 
> as the declaration of default attributes and internal entities that are 
> or may be specified in external entities) SHOULD use validating XML 
> processors."

The first "not" is correct and intended.  DTD facilities such as 
attribute defaulting have no impact on validity.  But if an application 
relies on them, it should use a validating processor even though it has 
no interest in assessing validity.

The superfluous space will be flagged as an erratum and corrected in an 
eventual new edition.  Thanks again.

Your other comments will be addressed soon.


François Yergeau

> It also appears to me inconvenient that in section 3.3.2, prod. 60 the 
> "WFC: No < in Attribute Values" and "WFC: No External Entity References" 
> have no visible clue, where the text of these WFCs can be found.  The 
> WFCs are linked correctly, but no reference is available for the reader 
> of a print-out of the spec.  Therefore I suggest amending the text of 
> the links with "see prod. 41". For consistency, I would also like to 
> suggest changing the order of the WFCs to match those of prod. 41 and 
> moving them to the end of the list. The list of VCs and WFCs of prod. 60 
> should look like:
>   [VC: Required Attribute]
>   [VC: Attribute Default Value Syntactically Correct]
>   [VC: Fixed Attribute Default]
>   [WFC: No External Entity References, see prod. 41]
>   [WFC: No < in Attribute Values, see prod. 41]
> -- d.k.
> Dr. Dieter Köhler, M.A.
> Wissenschaftlicher Assistent
> Institut für Philosophie und
> Studienzentrum Multimedia
> Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
> University address:
> Institut für Philosophie der
> Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
> D-76128 Karlsruhe
> Phone:       +49-(0)-721-608-2149
> Direct Line: +49-(0)-721-608-7743
> Fax:         +49-(0)-721-608-3084

Received on Wednesday, 11 October 2006 17:31:35 UTC