Would like to recommend embedded XSL for XML 2.0 (fwd)

Leon Spencer scripsit:
From cowan  Sat Jan  4 16:50:58 2003
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From: Leon Spencer <spencer_leon@yahoo.com>
Subject: Would like to recommend embedded XSL for XML 2.0
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  I would like to recommend embedded XSL for XML 1.1
although this would be major version change suggestion
(e.g. XML 2.0). Currently a designer can associate an
XML document with a stylesheet through a PI. Many
developers/vendors refer to this as embedded XSL. This
is not really embedding. It is creating a hard
link/association to a stylesheet. 

Deploying your XML doc would be easier if the
stylesheet could also be defined with the XML
document. Similar to how the DOCTYPE declaration
allows a designer to embed DTD within "[]" and/or
specify a URI. Instead of sending my resume.xml and
resume.xsl to an employer, I would like to send my
resume.xml with the xsl embedded. This way the xsl is
not lost or a source of confusion for the recipient.

Please forward my suggestion to your working group for
the XML spec. I am sending this suggestion to you per
the instructions on the W3C XML Spec group's site. 


First known example of political correctness:   John Cowan
"After Nurhachi had united all the other        http://www.reutershealth.com
Jurchen tribes under the leadership of the      http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
Manchus, his successor Abahai (1592-1643)       jcowan@reutershealth.com
issued an order that the name Jurchen should       --S. Robert Ramsey,
be banned, and from then on, they were all         _The Languages of China_
to be called Manchus."

Received on Monday, 6 January 2003 12:21:02 UTC