Re: [xml-dev] version numbers and infosets

> At 10:28 AM -0400 7/23/02, Karl Waclawek wrote:
> >Also what about documents that are intentionally designed to parse
> >under XML 1.0 *and* 1.1? Why force a choice on the parser?
> I believe such a document is a very bad idea. All documents should be 
> XML 1.0 if at all possible. This is far more interoperable than the 
> alternative.
> The only case that's not possible is where someone wants to use 
> post-2.0 Unicode characters in markup; e.g. by writing element names 
> in Amharic. Assuming you don't need to do this, you should write a 
> pure 1.0 document and ignore XML 1.1.

OK, so let's say I have an XML 1.0 document, which is also
well-formed 1.1. But all I have is an XML 1.1 parser, and the
XML 1.1 specs say that the version number must be 1.1.
Am I not allowed to process it?


Received on Tuesday, 23 July 2002 14:28:43 UTC