Unparsed entity referenced in EntityValue: Forbidden?

Dear Editors,

In "4.4 XML Processor Treatment of Entities and References",


the table says that XML processor must detect fatal error when 
an Unparsed entity is referenced in an EntityValue. 
(column "Unparsed", row "Reference in EntityValue", "Forbidden")

But I think it should be "Bypassed" rather than "Forbidden".


<!NOTATION jpg SYSTEM "jpg">
<!ENTITY ent SYSTEM "ent" NDATA jpg>
<!ENTITY foo "&ent;">
<!ENTITY bar "&#x26;ent;">

The last two entity declaration ("foo" and "bar") may have 
same replacement text, but 

- The declaration of "foo" causes fatal error. 
- The declaration of "bar" is OK.
- The reference to the entity named "bar" causes fatal error.

And also, the order of declarations may cause problem.
For example,

<!ENTITY foo "&ent;">
(other declarations)
<!NOTATION jpg SYSTEM "jpg">
<!ENTITY ent SYSTEM "ent" NDATA jpg>

It is impossible to say whether the declaration of "foo" is fatal error
or not, until the "ent" declaration appear.

I think these problems can be avoided if the reference is "Bybassed"
rather than "Forbidden".

(This comment is based on the argumentation at the xml-users ML in Japan.
I'm sorry for my poor English.)


Received on Thursday, 31 January 2002 12:42:36 UTC