discrepancy in clause 2.8 of the XML specification

The second definition in clause 2.8 "Prolog and Document Type Declaration" 
(http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml-20001006#sec-prolog-dtd) states
	[Definition: A markup declaration is an element type declaration, an attribute-list declaration, an entity declaration, or a 	notation declaration.] 
says that there are four types of markup declarations. However, [29] 
	markupdecl ::= elementdecl | AttlistDecl | EntityDecl | NotationDecl | PI | Comment 
also includes processing instruction and comment declaration in the list of markup declarations.

Donald Gignac	"gignacda@nswccd.navy.mil"	301-227-3348

Received on Tuesday, 10 July 2001 16:48:35 UTC