- From: <tkwriter@vanc.igs.net>
- Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 02:53:05 -0700
- To: tkwriter@vanc.igs.net
Documentation Specialists Seeking Contract Work - Technical Writing, graphics, Robohelp, HTML, SGML, etc. Senior technical writers, project leaders and electronic documentation specialists seek contract work. Clients have included companies such as Microsoft and Koch Petroleum. Excellent communication skills, able to work with all levels of the company from programmers to CEO. Excellent background in technical, marketing and creative writing. Familiar with educational material as well as e-commerce. Writing samples, full resume and references available on request. Experience in creating both published and online documentation. REQUIRED: Prefer Corp to Corp Sole relationship directly with the client. Agents are also welcome in the same capacity. Production is done at our facility. We are fully equipped. PLEASE REPLY ONLY BY PHONE Contact - Casey Lea - TO INQUIRE ABOUT SERVICES, AVAILABILITY, OR TO CONFIRM REMOVAL FROM OUR LIST CALL 604-685-8348 PST Rates: Fees are charged by the hour or by the project. ------------------- This message is sent in compliance of the new e-mail bill: SECTION 301. Per Section 301, Paragraph (a)(2)(C) of S. 1618, http://www.senate.gov/~murkowski/commercialemail/S771index.html___________________________________________________________ This Message was Composed by a user of Extractor Pro '98 Bulk E- Mail Software. If you wish to be removed from this advertiser's future mailings, please reply with the subject "Remove" and this software will automatically block you from their future mailings.
Received on Monday, 14 August 2000 06:41:45 UTC