Re: xml:space, xml:lang, and namespaces

At 06:00 PM 5/31/99 +0100, Henry S. Thompson wrote:
>Do you see how that makes life difficult for XML Schema (it's from me
>with my Schema hat on that this question really comes from)?

Actually, it occurs to me that namespace-sensitive applications are going
to operate (e.g. using the DOM) on the URI rather than the prefix anyhow.
So I suspect that foo:space, where foo points at the xml URI, will
probably work.  But for *interchange* the letter of the law requires
using "xml:".

Andrew Layman actually suggested, quite reasonably I thought, that we
*forbid* using any prefix but "xml" for this namespace.  Anyhow, the
problem goes away assuming that namespaces and XML 1.0 ever get
integrated as is the declared intent. -Tim

Received on Monday, 31 May 1999 13:11:47 UTC