XML Typo?

Hi there,

Section 2.1 contains the following definition of a well-formed document:

    document ::= prolog element Misc*

Right below that mentions that matching the document production implies
that "It contains one of more elements."  If this is what is intended, then
the definition should read (assuming I understand this BNF-like notation):

    document ::= prolog element+ Misc*

Most of the examples I've seen have only one element, so I think the 2.1
section should be changed to "...contains an element."

Joel Bender                         Voice:        607-255-8880
Senior Programmer/Analyst           FAX:          607-255-5377
Utilities Department                131 Humphreys Service Building
Cornell University                  Ithaca, NY  14853-3701
-----------------  http://www.emcs.cornell.edu/  -----------------

Received on Monday, 19 October 1998 11:08:14 UTC