Error in XML 1.0

I have found the following minor error in the XML 1.0 (19980210)

In 4.4.5, "Included in Literal", the first example reads
  <!ENTITY % YN '"Yes"' >
  <!ENTITY WhatHeSaid "He said &YN;" >

The entities do not match since the first declaration is declaring
a parameter entity, and the second refers to a general entity.

This error obviously does not affect the spec itself, but the example
is slightly confusing as for the uninitiated it implies that
the namespaces for general and parameter entities are not distinct.

Per-Åke Ling
Per-Åke Ling	(note: Per-&Aring;ke, transliteration Per-Ake)
email:	phone:  +46  8 727 5674
Ericsson Utvecklings AB			mobile: +46 70 790 2446
AXE Research and Development		fax:	+46  8 727 3463

Received on Monday, 23 March 1998 00:46:31 UTC