Display errors in XML 1.0 Recommendation, W3C StyleSheet

Re: <http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210>

From a Macintosh in MSIE 4.0 with CSS enabled, nearly every table
in this document overlaps the preceeding text, making the XML
Recommendation illegible.

The attached illustration is only one example; (color might be
unexpected for you -- it is a GIF, perhaps indicative of what some
people see in 8-bit color).

I believe removing "line-height: 1.3" from
</StyleSheets/TR/rec.css> will fix this.

> */
> BODY {color: black;
> /* This is specific for the PR: */
>     background: #f7e8cb url(/Icons/Backgrounds/recbg);
> /* above image doesn't woerk in IE4.0 - why? */
>     margin-left: 4em;
>     margin-right: 2em;
>     font-family: times, serif; text-align: justify;
>     line-height: 1.3}

Best wishes,
Susan Lesch
Mac Virus

Received on Tuesday, 10 February 1998 15:27:21 UTC