Unicode compatibility character definition section

Section 2.2 of xml-980210 states, in part:

   The use of "compatibility characters", as defined in section 6.8 of
   Unicode, is discouraged.

Compatibility characters are, I believe, defined in section 2.2 (pages
2-8 and 2-9) of the Unicode Standard, Version 2.0.  That discussion
provides more detail about compatibility characters than does the
introduction to section 6.8 and, as mentioned in both section 2.2 and
section 6.8, "the Compatibility Area contains a large number of
compatibility characters, but the Unicode Standard also contains many
compatibility characters that are not in the Compatibility Area".
Referencing section 6.8 as defining "compatibility characters" may
lead the casual reader to assuming that only the Compatibility Area
characters are deprecated as being "compatibility characters".


Tony Graham
Tony Graham
Mulberry Technologies, Inc.                         Phone: 301-315-9632
17 West Jefferson Street, Suite 207                 Fax:   301-315-8285
Rockville, MD USA 20850                 email: tgraham@mulberrytech.com

Received on Sunday, 19 April 1998 15:05:18 UTC