Re: [NEW ISSUE] granularirty of MTOM policy assertion

Christopher B Ferris wrote:
> Title: granularity of MTOM policy assertion
> Description: The assertion requires all messages, regardless of whether 
> there is binary content, to be sent as
> application/xop+xml. Is this correct behavior? Shouldn't the assertion 
> granularity be finer, e.g. such that a client
> could send a SOAP request (application/soap+xml) and receive an MTOM 
> response (application/xop+xml)
> and vice-versa?

Another usecase where it is valuable to select xop+xml or not is when 
certain requests (or responses) have binary content or not. Eg, when the 
schema for the message has a xs:choice. OR when the sender wants to 
optimize based on the size of the binary data. For example, the sender 
may want to send the message as xop+xml when the binary data size > X 
and send it as base64Binary when size <= X


> Justification: seems odd at best to send xop serialized message even 
> when there is no binary content.
> Type: technical
> Proposal:  TBD
> Cheers,
> Christopher Ferris
> STSM, Software Group Standards Strategy
> email:
> blog:
> phone: +1 508 377 9295

Received on Wednesday, 21 February 2007 18:00:20 UTC