Re: entity header

On Jan 14, 2004, at 9:17 AM, Yves Lafon wrote:

> So you mean you want only the headers of the reply and no 
> interpretation
> of them?


> From what I understood before, having a normalized way to say "this is 
> of
> type image/jpeg" instead of knowing all the header form of all 
> protocol is
> something desirable (hence the meta/rawmeta proposal).

I could see putting an xmime:content-type attribute on the body 
element, so that it's compatible with MIFFY content-type hinting.

> Also in some case the headers of the request might be used.

In that case, the structure could be extended. Right now, the semantic 
is "this is a MIME entity", which does NOT necessarily have a request.


Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

Received on Wednesday, 14 January 2004 09:32:04 UTC