Re: "RPC" and "Messaging" style of SOAP

Investigating on Soap and web service I came across this thread and I was 
Whether anyone could answer to those questions:

What is the difference in terms of Soap message whether we use RPC or 
Messaging ?

Shouldn't the client be unaware of the fact that it is doing an RPC or using 
Messaging ?

Shouldn't be the wsdl in both cases be the same ???

Shouldn't be the only difference in the Server service implementation 
whether the message received be considered as RPC or not ?

Would in the Messaging case the message treated as RPC anyway (I mean would 
a call on class with the function name described in the Soap message be 
called ?)

Sorry for the amount of questions.


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Received on Monday, 29 September 2003 08:40:04 UTC