Re: Review - Web Services Security: SOAP Message Security (1 of 3)

Great review! I have one comment only. JJ.

Marc Hadley wrote:

> *** 410 "The <wsse:Security> header block without a specified S:role  
> MAY be consumed by anyone, but MUST NOT be removed prior to the final  
> destination or endpoint." What does 'consumed' mean. SOAP 1.2 makes it  
> clear that SOAP headers without a role attribute are equivalent to  
> those with a role of  
> "". In  
> both cases the ultimate receiver of the message is the target of the  
> header block.

An active intermediary could still consume the header block; this 
is part of the processing model. So, unless WSS includes a 
special header block to implement the above assertion, it cannot 
be fulfilled, I think.

Received on Thursday, 25 September 2003 03:57:42 UTC