Re: Opaque data, XML, and SOAP

John J. Barton wrote:
>   If I am an application writer and I am writing code to traverse 
> through  the
> data structure returned  by parsing XML, then I will encounter some
> references to non-XML data.  Surely this must be true!  It happens for
> HTML all the time, with references to GIF and JPEG.  I don't know how XML's
> open nature could be violated by referencing non-XML data.  And if the 
> tools
> cannot handle  references to binary then what are they good for?
>   We should have a standard that allows a sender to combine XML with some
> non-XML data in a way that a receiver can parse the XML and access the
> non-XML data.  It shouldn't matter if the XML is SOAP or not.

It's not exactly efficient but you always have data: URIs. SVG uses them when 
one desires to bundle all content together.

Robin Berjon <>
Research Engineer, Expway
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Received on Friday, 28 February 2003 13:21:20 UTC