Re: The XML Query Data Model and PASWA

I am within a day or so of fulfulling my action item to the DM task force, 
which was to draft specific text for review.  Even though it is rough and 
represents only my personal cut, I will cc: distApp.  Suggest you wait and 
ask again if not clear then.

Simple answer:  PASWA requires that you know that some things are in the 
form of base64Binary.  Schema processing is one way to check this, but 
it's just an option and is not required.  You might know for other 
reasons, including (quite likely) that you synthesized the data in that 
form.  The DM formulation adopts the terminology of the Query data model, 
but doesn't change any of the rules or reasoning embodied in PASWA.  The 
hope is that by using that terminology we (a) avoid reinventing the wheel 
on terminology for typed infosets and (b) increase the chance that if 
someone ever does want to do a feature for transmitting or signing fully 
typed data models, that we will have shown the way for optimzing such 

Thank you!

Noah Mendelsohn                              Voice: 1-617-693-4036
IBM Corporation                                Fax: 1-617-693-8676
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Anish Karmarkar <>
08/19/2003 09:31 PM

        Subject:        Re: The XML Query Data Model and PASWA


I don't fully understand the XQuery data model, but I am curious as to 
whether your two formulations (variant #1 and #2 at [1]) affect the fact 
that SOAP 1.2 does not require XML schema processing.




Received on Friday, 22 August 2003 00:53:38 UTC