Re: Issue 356: Allow unqualified elements as children of Body

On Thursday, Sep 12, 2002, at 16:44 US/Eastern, Henrik Frystyk Nielsen 
> +1 but we may also want to remove "such" to make it parse better:
>    Zero or more information items in its
>    [children] property. Child element
>    information items MAY be namespace
>    qualified.
> Ok?
Looks good.


>> I like the direction of this proposal. In the spirit of a friendly
>> amendment I would remove the 'element' from the first paragraph above
>> such that it reads:
>>   Zero or more information items in its
>>   [children] property. Such child element
>>   information items MAY be namespace
>>   qualified.
>> This generalizes the description of the Body EII to explicitly allow
>> other types of EII.
Marc Hadley <>
XML Technology Center, Sun Microsystems.

Received on Thursday, 12 September 2002 17:07:37 UTC