RE: Clarification on use of encodingStyle attribute

>encodingStyle in SOAP 1.1 is described as "... This attribute MAY
>appear on any element, and is scoped to that element's contents and
>all child elements not themselves containing such an attribute, much
>as an XML namespace declaration is scoped. ...." This makes a lot of
>sense to me, it works like many things in XML, namespaces, xml:base,

I agree that the SOAP 1.1 wording is less than stellar with respect to
using the attribute.

>I can see your point WRT to headers, but wouldn't this also apply to
>body though ?, it can have 0..n children.

As we don't say anything about the structure of the body is is possible
to have the encodingstyle apply to the complete body contents:

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="" >
  <env:Body env:encodingStyle="">
xmlns:m="" >

However, we *do* say quite a bit about the structure of the Header as
well as the Envelope.


Received on Wednesday, 20 March 2002 13:30:15 UTC