Re: Summary of Issue 194 - encodingStyle

Martin Gudgin wrote:

>Agreed. The interpretation of attribute values and element content is at a
>higher level than the infoset. And interpretation of any given value in the
>infoset may be determined by the some other value in the infoset.
>I think I've lost track of where we're going with this...
I believe the claim was made that namespace and xml:base declarations 
were not  comparable to encoding declarations -- that there is something 
fundamentally different about how they effect the interpretation of the 
content.  My claim was that there was not.  That the effect of either on 
the interpretation of scoped content was similar.  The effect on the 
URIs or QNames found in the content was one of interpretation by the 
application which might be applied according to some known schema and 
processing or might be ignored.

Ray Whitmer

Received on Wednesday, 24 April 2002 15:20:16 UTC