Misunderstanding of SOAP 1.1 element spec

Dear All,
We're in a political discussion wether a SOAP body element SHOULD have a
namespace URI and Local name. 
Refering to the W3c documentation ( http://www.w3.org/TR/SOAP/#_Toc478383503
)  it states that "All immediate child elements of the Body element are
called body entries and each body entry is encoded as an independent element
within the SOAP Body element."
The first sentence in point 1 states : A body entry is identified by its
fully qualified element name, which consists of the namespace URI and the
local name.
The second sentence in point 1 states: Immediate child elements of the SOAP
Body element MAY be namespace-qualified.
Correct me if I'm wrong: "a body entrie is an immediate child element of the
BODY element and MAY be namespace-qualified"
Hope you can help us out of this very important discussion.

Best Regards,
Joop Stringer
Mobile Technology Lab
Cap Gemini Ernst & Young
Euclideslaan 2

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Received on Friday, 12 April 2002 08:23:47 UTC