RE: Updated proposal for issue 192

Stuart Williams writes:

>> These are locally scoped, unqualified elements whose
>> 'meaning' is scoped by their containment in a 
>> <env:Fault/> element.

Yes, and <Body> only has meaning within an <Envelope>, and we qualify 
that?  Though I don't think things are hugely broken, I think we should be 
consistent.  On balance, I would recommend qualifying everything.  Having 
only <Envelope> qualified, but not anything else seems quite fragile to 
me.  It's also in some sense an artifact of how you view the description 
of the SOAP envelope, creeping into the syntax of the envelope itself.

Noah Mendelsohn                              Voice: 1-617-693-4036
IBM Corporation                                Fax: 1-617-693-8676
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Received on Wednesday, 10 April 2002 10:23:11 UTC