Issue #12 proposed resolution


Here is the amended section 6.3 of Part 2 regarding HTTP status codes
and the default HTTP binding as we discussed on this week's con-call.

Some on the call expressed an interest in seeing the text before
approving it. Also as discussed, I have removed section 6.3.2 regarding
3xx status codes and provided a note which cites its status within the WG
as being unresolved.

As agreed on the call, I have removed reference to 201, 203, 205 and
206. I have also changed the SHALL to a MAY in regards to 405 and
I have modified 500 to reflect its use for cases other than those described
in section 6.3.2 (4xx Client).



6.3 SOAP HTTP Response

        SOAP over HTTP as defined for this default binding follows the semantics 
	of the HTTP Status codes for communicating status information in

6.3.1 HTTP 2xx Successful

        A 2xx status code indicates that the request, including the SOAP message 
	component, was successfully received, understood, and accepted by
        the receiving SOAP processor. 
                - A 200 OK status SHALL be used to communicate that a SOAP message is 
		being conveyed within the entity body of the HTTP response.
                The response SOAP message SHALL be implicitly correlated with the 
		request SOAP message sent in the HTTP POST operation. 
                - A 202 Accepted status MAY be returned by the server to indicate 
		that the request SOAP message has been received, but has not been
                - A 204 No Content status SHALL be used to communicate that the SOAP 
		message has been successfully processed by the SOAP application. As 
		stipulated in [5], the 204 response MUST NOT include a message body.  

6.3.2 HTTP 4xx Client Error

        In general, a SOAP HTTP client SHOULD be prepared to handle any of the 4xx 
	class of HTTP status codes. However, the following status codes
        have specific meaning within the context of this SOAP binding to HTTP. 
                - A 400 Bad Request status SHALL be returned in the event that the 
		SOAP message contained within the body of an HTTP request message
                is not well formed XML or in the case where a SOAP envelope was expected 
		in the body of the HTTP POST request and none was present. 
                - A 405 Method Not Allowed status MAY be returned in the event that the 
		method specified in the HTTP request is not POST. As specified in RFC2616, 
		the HTTP response MUST include an Accept header that includes at least POST. 
                - A 415 Unsupported Media Type status code SHALL be returned in the 
		event that the encapsulation mechanism used for the SOAP message in the 
		HTTP request is unsupported by the server. 

6.3.3 HTTP 5xx Server Error

        If an error occurs while processing a SOAP HTTP message, that is not covered
	by any of the conditions expressed above in section 6.3.2, the SOAP HTTP server 
	MUST issue an HTTP 500 "Internal Server Error" response and include a SOAP 
	message in the response containing a SOAP fault (see section 4.4) indicating 
	the SOAP processing error. 

NOTE: The following section regarding 3xx HTTP status codes is
still a topic of debate among members of the WG. The question at hand
is whether or not the SOAP1.2 specification should provide any guidance
as to the fact 3xx status codes have no SOAP specific meaning in the
context of a SOAP processor that uses this default HTTP binding, or whether
this section should be removed and nothing be said about 3xx status codes.
6.3.2 HTTP 3xx Redirection

        No SOAP specific behavior is associated with the 3xx status codes. A SOAP client 
        SHOULD be prepared to receive and process a 3xx status code as defined in RFC2616 
        section 10.3. 

Received on Friday, 28 September 2001 10:11:35 UTC