Re: text/xml for SOAP is incorrect

On Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 05:02:09PM -0400, Mark Baker wrote:
> > One of the issues I've been meaning to raise is that SOAP messages
> > should have 
> >    Cache-Control: no-store, no-tranform
> > 
> > always appended in HTTP. However, this won't do any good for
> > intermediaries that don't pay attention to them, for whatever reason.
> > I also know that some will object to this for philosophical reasons.
> I object to both no-store and no-transform, but for practical reasons,
> not for philosophical ones.
> Passing either instruction to a SOAP/HTTP intermediary is instructing
> that intermediary not to transform or cache it, even if it knows about
> SOAP.  That means that headers can't be added, removed, modified,
> etc..
> (yes, this is presupposing a REST use of SOAP.  A tunneled use would
> ignore Cache-Control at the SOAP layer)

Without going into REST/no-REST issues, I think these directives can
be applied, as they would be considered advisory; if an intermediary
has other knowledge with greater precedence (such as out-of-band
configuration, or explicit targeting by a header) that it should
perform an operation, it can. They're there more to protect from
devices that would act without a specific directive, which is allowed
by the HTTP.


Mark Nottingham

Received on Thursday, 20 September 2001 17:16:52 UTC