RE: text/xml for SOAP is incorrect

>This presupposes the necessity of reflecting the message's 
>namespaces in the content-type; why is this necessary? 

Well, isn't this how we have defined a mechanism for identifying SOAP --
by the use of a specific XML Namespace identifier? 

If the content type is related to SOAP in any way then I think there is
an inherent link between whatever the content type is and the URI that
we pick for indicating that this is SOAP.

In this context, what does a shortname even mean? Do we expect
"application/soap+xml" to point to any SOAP including SOAP 1.1, SOAP
1.2, and beyond?

>Defining a content-type always involves a tradeoff in the 
>granularity of information available. IIRC, the discussion you 
>reference was in the context of replacing SOAPAction with 
>something in the content-type, which is not the intent here 
>(based upon our resolution of issue 95).

That maybe have been addressed in the long thread as well but at least
some parts talk about the use of "application/soap+xml" as a potential
content-type for SOAP.


Received on Tuesday, 18 September 2001 18:10:19 UTC