RE: text/xml for SOAP is incorrect

> >There should not be a
> >different media type for XML sent to an "application"
> >verses one sent to a "browser" (which is just another
> >application).  The server should not assume the use of
> >the media representation.

Simon replies :

> The server should label the content it sends to the client to 
> the best of 
> its ability.  In this case, I would argue that text/xml is at best a 
> cop-out, at worst a lie.

What about text/html, text/sgml, are these acceptable?  It would seem
that to be consistant with the proposal text/plain should really be
application/text.  I think the question should center around when is
"text/..." acceptable.  By the way what is the content-type for MathML?

Matthew Jones

Received on Monday, 17 September 2001 14:56:44 UTC