RE: Questions about the SOAP 2.1 draft

>1.  There is discussion about SOAP over HTTP, but it doesn't specify
>what version of HTTP is expected although all references are to HTTP
>1.1.  Is there a requirement or expectation of version 1.1.  I think
>that some of the processing (for an implementation) can be simplified if
>only HTTP 1.1 was supported.

There has been no major discussion about this point, but it appears
that 1.1 is assumed.

>2.  The apache implementation seems to mention attachments but I
>couldn't find a mention in the draft specification. 

This is not part of the 1.2 specification working draft. You may
find the w3c note on this topic at [1].

>3.  Is there a grammer for the structure of SOAP.  I didn't see one in
>the draft.  I think this is very important and would greatly enhance the
>likely hood of interoperability between implementations.

There will be an XML schema definition for the SOAP XML syntax,
although the current working draft does not contain it.



Received on Saturday, 15 September 2001 03:54:50 UTC