msxml3.dll error '80072ee7'

I have an .asp page attempting to grab content from another webpage.  My
code will follow, but does anybody know how to resolve the following error?

"msxml3.dll error '80072ee7'
The server name or address could not be resolved"
The error occurs on the line: "xml.Send".  Thanks in advance for any help.
-------- (Test Code) ------------
  Response.Buffer = True
  Dim objXMLHTTP, xml

  ' Create an xmlhttp object:
  'Set xml = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
  ' Or, for version 3.0 of XMLHTTP, use:
   Set xml = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")

  ' Opens the connection to the remote server.
  xml.Open "GET", "", False

  ' Actually Sends the request and returns the data:

  'Display the HTML both as HTML and as text
  Response.Write "<h1>The HTML text</h1><xmp>"
  Response.Write xml.responseText
  Response.Write "</xmp><p><hr><p><h1>The HTML Output</h1>"

  Response.Write xml.responseText
  Set xml = Nothing

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|    |ike  |    |artin

Received on Thursday, 18 October 2001 09:01:44 UTC