RE: [AMG] Figure 2.1 suggested revision.

The word "user" always tends to mean "human user" which I don't think we
necessarily want this always to be.

Actually, I think the term "XMLP Application" for the set of handlers
associated with an XMLP processor to be ok.


>This confusion between service in the abstract and real 
>service is what I think we need to avoid. In the abstract (the 
>old OSI service conventions),  layer N provides "service" to 
>layer N+1.  I think we need to avoid using "service" in that 
>sense. The workshop is about applications. That's what they 
>mean by "services".
>I also don't like the use of "client" in this context, because 
>of the confusion with the client/server model.
> I suggest "XMLP user".

Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2001 20:52:29 UTC