RE: Issue 25 Proposal

Whether one writes a streaming implementation or not is not for us to
decide - all we have to do is to define the processing model. As of now,
we have a model that allows intermediaries to skip from a certain point
in the message and for a processor to add stuff at the end after the
body leaving the SOAP processing to headers referencing these trailers.

I am wondering what use cases we are trying to address that are not
covered by this?

It is of course always possible to use DIME or MIME multipart/related
for just plain old links for dealing with large chunks of data. We
cannot, however, in this spec set any rules for what "large" means.

>P.S: I'm starting to prefer the way of disallowing streaming 
>altogether and saying "put the bloody huge data in an 
>attachment as that's where streaming errors won't affect the 
>validity of the whole message".


Received on Tuesday, 19 June 2001 19:45:26 UTC