Re: issue 168 proposal: xsi:type of external references in Encodi ng (fwd)

 can anyType be used in xsi:type? Can it be used as the actual
type of a node?
 But anyway, if the spec allows external references and requires
all nodes to be typed, it should say something about the type of
the external data, that's all. 8-)

                   Jacek Kopecky

                   Senior Architect, Systinet (formerly Idoox)

On Fri, 21 Dec 2001, Rich Salz wrote:

 > > The issue arose because SOAP
 > > Encoding requires all the values to be typed
 > The typing can be explicit if there's out-of-band knowledge, and there's
 > also the "anyType", no?
 > 	/r$

Received on Friday, 21 December 2001 09:36:41 UTC