Re: SOAP and the Web architecture

--- Rich Salz <> wrote:
> IS there a fundamental difference between sending a soap message and
> sending form data?  If so, what is it?

I think that the original objection stemmed from the fact that POST was
conceived to augment or update the object at the URI that's being
posted to (e.g. add to a bulletin board, put new stuff into a database,
cause a process to start, etc.).  Form data, submitted via POST, was
thought to be the usual way in which you'd update an object, i.e. it
was entirely in keeping with the intended POST semantics.

(For completeness: GET was to be for retrieving things, static or
dynamic; PUT was to be for adding a new object.)

I'm not sure (either) that this is always true of some SOAP
commands--e.g. some SOAP requests are decidedly more
give-me-something-oriented than update-this-resource-please-oriented.

New to the list; be gentle.  Apologies as well for the junk that Yahoo
appends to my message.  :-(

Laird (Nelson, not Popkin--egad, two Lairds in one place!)


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Received on Monday, 27 August 2001 14:02:19 UTC