
Francis Norton wrote:
> ...
> This seems a reasonable analysis of the current situation to me - but a
> more satisfactory alternative to this situation would be to define an
> official session key storage element in the SOAP header section. I think
> that this might satisfy an immediate and important user requirement,
> before less satisfactory solutions get frozen into de-facto standards.

Can you please clarify the requirement for cookies? A cookie is extra
information that is passed along with a request. A SOAP message uses an
extensible syntax designed to transmit arbitrarily complex information. 

 a) Why would you need to put the cookie in a header.

 b) What is the benefit in having a *standardized* cookie syntax rather
than transmitting the same information as a random XML element in your
favorite XML namespace. myns:mycookie

Or even better, you could just transmit the information represented by
the cookie explicitly (e.g. your customer id, your authentication
information, etc.).
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Received on Monday, 27 August 2001 04:28:32 UTC